7 months old

This has been a big month for mama as I like to call her:) Ava's first word was mama!!!! Her second word was dada!! Ava got her first two teeth, both on the bottom in the middle. She also started crawling and she is everywhere.............trying to keep up with her big brother. She crawls just like Parker did......dragging one leg out to the side...it works....Ava's personality is blossoming and it's fun to see more and more each day. She is definitely a people person.....she loves being nosy and smiling at everyone. We think it won't be long before Ava is walking because she is already trying to stand from sitting position. She constantly has her hands and feet on the floor with her little tush in the air! Ava has a fake cough that she performs for us and she thinks it is so funny:)

Fall 2011 - Ava 6 months, Parker 2 1/2 years

We took these photos of ourselves at Cox Hall Gardens in the fall of 2011.

Ava ~ 6 months old

It's no wonder Ava only gained one pound from her last doctor's appointment because she does not sit still....she is a busy bee!! She is only in the 30th percentile. The doctor is not worried about her, she just thinks that Ava is petite and that is fine:) Ava finally took a bottle!!!! I cried with joy because now I know she will be comfortable taking a bottle when she goes to Ms. Tania's house for daycare in a couple weeks when I go back to work. Ava is also taking bites of food now!!! She likes peas and pears, but will eat everything.
Ava is still such a joy to be around. She keeps us smiling and laughing with her new found LOUD voice....especially in stores in the checkout line! Ava's favorite things to do are getting kisses on her cheeks, spending time with her family, dancing, playing with toys with Parker, Peek-a-Boo, jumping, being tossed around, playing with anything that crinkles, and reading...I mean eating books. She really enjoys sitting with her brother in our lap to hear a story. She usually laughs, bounces, and continuously hits the book before she tries to eat it!
I think she will be getting her first tooth soon because she is gnawing on everything. The last few nights that I've been rocking her before bed she has been trying to suck and bite my face....it's so funny, almost like she is trying to give me kisses!! Ava's biggest milestone this month is SITTING steadily all by herself !!! She may be crawling soon too because she can get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. Her new signature move is up on her hands, one knee and the other leg straight out to the side.  Sometimes she looks like she is going to stand up.  Ava recently can go from sitting to a crawling position and back to sitting:) She is a little thing, but very strong! I actually went to go get her in her crib after her nap and she was laying on her stomach in the splits! She stood by herself for a few seconds while holding onto the piano just a few days ago. 
I could go on and on......Thank you God for a healthy baby girl!!

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn 2011

Ava ~ 5 months old

Ava is our little wiggle worm!! The girl does not sit still:) She is constantly moving those little cute arms and legs and trying to grab whatever is near her. She loves to bounce and jump in your lap or in her jumperoo. She jumps so fiercly sometimes I think the jumperoo is going to break:) Ava is still memerized by her big brother. She watches his every move with the biggest smile on her face. Ava likes to sleep on her belly with her bottom in the air...just like Parker did:) She has a girly, but loud voice and she likes to show it off. Ava still does not want to take a bottle and is not really interested in eating solid foods. She knows what she wants and when she wants it!! Two days before Ava turned six months old she sat for the first time by herself for a few seconds. The picture shows her first time sitting by hersef. Ava is a friendly baby and usually all smiles. Everywhere we go people come up to us and compliment her.

Ava 4 months old

Ava is such a happy and easy going baby. She enjoys eating and playing with her toes, blowing bubbles, jumping in her jumperoo, smiling and laughing at us (especially Parker), riding in Bjorn facing out now:), going for walks, and talking in her sweet little voice. She loves patty cake and cracks up while we are singing and clapping her hands. We are surprised at how well she can hold her weight on her legs now. She looks so proud of herself when you stand her up:)

At Ava's 4 month check up she weighed 13 lbs 2 ounces and was 24 1/2 inches long.

We are so blessed to have a healthy and beautiful baby girl!

Parker 2 1/2 years old

2 1/2 going on 20..........Parker is growing up so fast, it's amazing how much they learn as toddlers. He's such a clever little guy!! I'm pretty sure he is going to get what he wants in life and he is always going to live life to the fullest.

Some of Parker Jay's favorite things to do our play with Ava, go to the park, go for walks, eat ice cream, cook (especially with eggs, washing veggies, stirring, and pouring in the spices). He also loves to watch Chuggington, the Oceans documentary (he knows more species living in the Ocean than any adult), and the first Car's movie.

Just as we thought he would, Parker is the best big brother to Ava. He is always making sure his little sis is okay:) He is USUALLY gentle and loves interacting with her, especially making her smile and laugh. He gets the biggest kick out of it when she babbles...he says she's talking to him.

Parker has said some of the funniest things we've ever heard....there is never a dull moment in the Lannert home:)

Ava ~ 3 months old

Ava is the sweetest little baby!! She is happy most of the time and a joy to be around. She is so intriqued by her big brother.....she loves to watch his every move. He loves entertaining her so it works out well. Parker also likes to help out when Ava is upset by pushing her in the swing, laying beside her on her mat, or singing to her. I think they are going to be the best of friends. Ava can hold her head up steadily now and the girl is full of smiles! She laughed for the first time this month! On July 19th she rolled from her belly to her back. Ava likes to talk, coo and make noises...she talks back to us:) She is a daddy's girl and a mommy's girl. She likes for us to be constantly holding her which is okay with us since we know how fast the time goes by and soon we will be looking back at these pictures wondering how our baby girl got so big so fast. We have to keep a bib on Ava at all times because she is the biggest slobber bug....she loves to eat her fingers....sometimes we wonder if she is teething early. Like her big brother Ava likes to cross her feet and occassionally play with her ears while she is eating. Reminds me so much of Parker when he was a baby. Like her daddy did when he was a child she rocks her head side to side to soothe herself to sleep. She is a good sleeper....we put her in her bed awake and she goes right to sleep. Like her mother....well, Ava looks so much like my baby pictures and mamma says she has the same personality as I did as a baby...sweet, smiling, and always happy.

Ava 2 months old

The BIG smile:) Ava is smiling all the time now. Her first smile was at 5 weeks old. She smiles and coos as you talk and play with her. She has such a feminine little voice.

I think she may be curious and nosy like her big brother because she likes to be held where she can see everyone and what it going on. If you don’t hold her out then she about breaks her neck trying to check things out. Ava is very alert and aware of her surroundings. Ava’s most alert time of the day is during Parker’s nap time. She likes to stay up almost the whole time Parker takes a nap…..so no more naps for mommy. She started sleeping in her crib this month. She sleeps for about 5 hours after we put her down for the night before she gets up to eat. After she eats she goes down for another 3-4 hours before she wakes up again.

Ava had her first dip in the pool this month at the Monon Pool over the fourth of July weekend. We only put her feet in but she seemed to like it:)

Ava is in the 50th percentile in height and weight (10 pounds 8 ounces). She is holding her head up with very little help. It seems like every day that Ava’s hair is getting lighter and longer. Surprisingly, Ava’s eyes have gotten an even brighter blue. She has long beautiful eyelashes like her daddy and big brother.

Ava enjoys watching Parker play and listening to him talk and sing to her. He is helpful and a caring big brother. Ava will stop crying when Parker rocks her in the car seat or pushes her in the swing. It’s precious to watch them interact and we are looking forward to the many memorable moments we have ahead of us.

Ava (birth-1 month old)

Ava has brought us so much joy!! Ava is such a girly girl and a little thing! Her little cry and voice are just so precious. She lost her umbilical cord about a week ago….it just didn’t want to come off. Until then we had to give her sponge baths and she did not like them. Now that she gets to take baths in her bath tub she loves it. Ava is always moving when she’s not sleeping and she already tries to hold her head up. She is hard to hold at sometimes because she is so active, but still so little. She enjoys being held at all times!! If you put her down while she’s sleeping….she will usually wake up.

Mother's Day

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend:) I think it should be a tradition that I get french toast and mimosas for breakfast, jewelry, and beautiful flowers and then pedicures with my mom:) The best thing about the day was of course spending time with my family. I'm a lucky woman!

Happy Easter 2011

We especially enjoyed this Easter because we got to spend it with both of our families. It was a great weekend!!