20 Questions ~ 4 Years Old

1. What is your favorite color? red 2. What is your favorite toy? Train, tag reader 3. What is your favorite fruit? Oranges 4. What is your favorite sport? Basketball and football 5. What do you like to make? food 6. What is your TV show? Ice Age, Oceans 7. What is your favorite food? fish 8. What is your favorite game? Candyland 9. Where is your favorite place to go? Polar Express Train Ride 10. What is your favorite animal? Great White Shark 11. What is your favorite song? Octonauts song 12. What is your favorite book? First Book of Dinosaurs 13. Who is your best friend? Named all his family and friends and said all of us were is best friend 14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play ball 15. What is your drink? juice 16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas 17. What do you want to be when you grow up? Doctor, drive a train 18. Who do you like to help? Mommy and Daddy 19. Why are you proud of yourself? I help you, I take of baby Knox, I love you, I help Ava pick up things, and when I’m silly 20. What makes you happy? Not taking baths and getting new toys

Merry Christmas~ 2012

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Pumpkin Patch - 2012

Ava ~ 18 months old

Ava turned 18 months October 10th! She boasts with personality, as we knew she would.  I have NEVER encountered a child so young with so much independence and so strong willed!! She is teaching me patience, oh my!! Don't get me wrong, Ava Nichole is a sweet little girl, but this sweet and beautiful little girl is adament about what she wants!! :) Parenting books, child restraints, childproofing...ha, ha, ha!! Not with this girl!!

Ava is talking up a storm!!!
~first phrase (16 months old) "I want see"....from then on she started saying everything (2nd phrase - I want down, 3rd phrase I want milk) Now she says everything!! I want mommy, I want daddy, I want out, I want more milk, I want to eat..........
~always says please and thank you and knows when to say them:)
~ says HI to a lot of people when were out, but sometimes gives people her "I have an ATTITUDE" look":)
~ Counts 1, 2, 3 and then yells YAY! or JUMP!
~ favorite words to use are MINE and OW!

~puts some puzzle pieces in the right spot, but would rather put them in the wrong spot and then give you a look like (he, he, that's not where it goes)
~ does somersaults, jumps from the ottoman to the couch, jumping on the bed, somehow climb in her highchair with the tray on it (she may be a gymnast)
~ points to pictures in books and says the name (dog, ball, choo-choo, tractor)
~knows some animal sounds (dog, cat, cow)
~ tells us when she poops

~stealing Parker's toys and running so he will chase her
~climbing, jumping, running, galloping (it's pretty cute)
~anything Parker does, she has to do:)
~ playing dress up (especially her tutu, Parker's basketball shorts or underwear, or a firefighter hat)
~ cleaning the house down with baby wipes:)
~ coloring with and eating crayons, play-do
~ knocking down blocks
~ playing outside, digging in the dirt, throwing balls, going for walks in the wagon or pushing her babies in her play stroller
~ feeding her babies bottles and food, pushing them around the house in a stroller, changing their diapers, pats their backs and doing their hair
~flying planes around...'VROOOOM"
~helping cook or hiding in kitchen cabinets while we cook
~LOVES to hide in the dark in the pantry or closets with Parker (usually with something that glows)

Everyday is an adventure with Miss Ava and we are LOVING it!!

The things Parker says - Part 2............

"Oh, LOOK, I'm getting hair on my arms!!!" (cheesing from ear to ear)

"Those wolves are having a humping party." (meant hunting)

He told me......
"You are the sweetest thing I ever knew"
"You are my sweetest, bestest, big friend"
"Thank you my pretty mommy"
He knows how to boost my self esteem:) 

Parker got out his doctor kit and wanted to work on me.  This is our conversation.
Park- "Mommy, see this circle on my shirt? This is a button and if you push it, it takes me to people who need my help.  I am here to help.  What's making you feel bad?"

Me - "My leg hurts and I think it's broke."

Park - "No, I think you have leg-i-tis.  If you are calm and quiet while I give you these shots you get stickers.  So have you had fevers for two days? Ok, her is some medicine juice (made me drink it) and some shot juice (gave me a shot).  Now, I'm going to check your reflexes in your knees. 

Parker ofcourse says funny things to Mitch too, but Mitch doesn't write them down like I do so we forget:)

Ava's First Phrase - 16 months old

Ava's first phrase "I want see"....from then on she started saying everything (2nd phrase - I want down, 3rd phrase I want milk) Now she says everything!! I want mommy, I want daddy, I want out..........

On August 24th, after putting Ava to bed, as I was walking out of her room, she said "Mommy, night, night!" So precious!!! Love this baby girl!

Spring 2012 Family Photos

We had a lot of fun at this photo shoot!! It was a very windy day, but our photographer was able to capture us in the moment having a good time!
Click the link Spring Pictures 2012 under Links to our Lives to see more pictures:)