Parker loves his auntie Kinsey!

Dave and Busters for Aunt Kinsey's birthday

I can do it MYSELF!
I love baby cookies. He looked like he went mudding when he got done with his cookie.
Swimming at Grandmas!!!
Christmas in July at Grandma's house!!
Parker and Mommy had a big adjustment to get used to this month, work and daycare:( It was very hard to used to, but Parker loves Ms. Tania's house and his new friends. He's learning a lot and likes spending time with other children. Parker started holding his own sippy cup and feeding himself puffs. Parker's first word was dada. His second word was mama and (not surprisingly) his third word was Bub Bub's (Bishop's nickname). Parker says Bub Bub's all day long. He loves calling his doggy and pulling his doggy's hair!
Parker started crawling on August 22nd!!
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