Mommy's favorite outfit:)

Parker at Aunt Kinsey's apartment

Parker is such a busy little man lately. He is constantly moving, especially his legs! We had our first family vacation to Los Angeles for Aunt Kinsey's graduation. Parker was so good on the plane and the entire vacation. We should have planned to stay longer. We've taken Park to our neighborhood pool several times and he loves the water and playing in his float. He starts swimming lessons next week. Parker is now eating baby food, not just cereal. We started with vegetables and he likes green beans and sweet potatoes the most so far. Parker has really found his voice and the boy loves to talk at the top of his lungs!! Parker enjoys being around his family and friends and will go to anyone. His favorite things to do right now are bathtime, blowing spit bubbles, playing with his penquin from Aunt Kinsey, playing peek- a- boo, swimming and being tossed around.
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