Ava 2 months old

The BIG smile:) Ava is smiling all the time now. Her first smile was at 5 weeks old. She smiles and coos as you talk and play with her. She has such a feminine little voice.

I think she may be curious and nosy like her big brother because she likes to be held where she can see everyone and what it going on. If you don’t hold her out then she about breaks her neck trying to check things out. Ava is very alert and aware of her surroundings. Ava’s most alert time of the day is during Parker’s nap time. She likes to stay up almost the whole time Parker takes a nap…..so no more naps for mommy. She started sleeping in her crib this month. She sleeps for about 5 hours after we put her down for the night before she gets up to eat. After she eats she goes down for another 3-4 hours before she wakes up again.

Ava had her first dip in the pool this month at the Monon Pool over the fourth of July weekend. We only put her feet in but she seemed to like it:)

Ava is in the 50th percentile in height and weight (10 pounds 8 ounces). She is holding her head up with very little help. It seems like every day that Ava’s hair is getting lighter and longer. Surprisingly, Ava’s eyes have gotten an even brighter blue. She has long beautiful eyelashes like her daddy and big brother.

Ava enjoys watching Parker play and listening to him talk and sing to her. He is helpful and a caring big brother. Ava will stop crying when Parker rocks her in the car seat or pushes her in the swing. It’s precious to watch them interact and we are looking forward to the many memorable moments we have ahead of us.

Ava (birth-1 month old)

Ava has brought us so much joy!! Ava is such a girly girl and a little thing! Her little cry and voice are just so precious. She lost her umbilical cord about a week ago….it just didn’t want to come off. Until then we had to give her sponge baths and she did not like them. Now that she gets to take baths in her bath tub she loves it. Ava is always moving when she’s not sleeping and she already tries to hold her head up. She is hard to hold at sometimes because she is so active, but still so little. She enjoys being held at all times!! If you put her down while she’s sleeping….she will usually wake up.