I'm off to dinner with aunt Lisa, uncle Nick and cousin Caleb!

Hanging out with Grammes!!

Lannert's only make boys! Having fun with aunt Maggie, cousin Jonas, aunt Lisa and cousin Caleb!

How precious:)
Caleb 10 weeks, Jonas 4 years old, Parker 12 weeks old

4 generations

I love my great granny!!

My party at Grandma's house! I love my great aunt Deanna :)

Grandma knows just what to do when I'm fussy.

I love my great aunt Sandy and great uncle Robert Lee!

My first time meeting my little (by 2 weeks) cousin Caleb!!
Parker is twelve weeks old. His first road trip was to Evansville to meet his family!! He did very well in the car and slept the whole way there and back. I guess he is a traveler like his mommy and daddy. We hope so because we will be traveling to LA in May for aunt Kinsey's graduation and Lake Tahoe in July for a friend's wedding!